Sunday, February 19, 2012

Costume Fees due March 1st

Reminder - the costume fees for the Summer Recital (July 14th) will be withdraawn from the card on file on March 1st along with the monthly tuition. If you have added the class and want to order the January costume (as they will be doing that dance in July also) or you do not want to order a costume you will need to email Melissa T at No later than Monday Feb 27th. Once the fees are pulled the costumes will be ordered, there are no refunds.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

75th Ave StaceyJ Hip Hop Class

Reminder - Hip Hop dancers at the 75th Ave location have the hip hop clinic with StaceyJ on Fri Feb 10th from 5-7pm.