ð Costumes
– They should be hung on a hanger and labeled. We suggest white medical tape
with the full name of the dancer on the inside of the costume. Remember, all
the dancers have the same costumes and it gets kinda crazy backstage. Do the
stage helpers (and yourself) a favor, and PLEASE label the costumes.
ð Accessories
– Each costume came with accessories. We suggest putting all the accessories
for each dance in a zip lock bag and hanging it on the hanger with the
matching costume.
ð Tights
– Always a good idea to send an extra pair.
ð Shoes
– Tap, Ballet, Jazz, White tennis shoes…bring them. And make sure they are
labeled too! Shoes left behind at the recital will be taken by Tempe Performing Arts.
ð Snacks
– Something that isn’t going to mess up the costumes. Goldfish and animal
crackers and good. And bottled water.
ð Tickets
– Did you order your tickets? Anyone entering into the auditorium will need a